Friday, 19 November 2010

Goldfish memory :)

The expression that "you have same bad memory like goldfish does" is very commonly used. But is it true? I just used this expression to describe my own memory for some reason and one of my course mates told me that goldfish are actually very intelligent. Subject seems interesting and I decided to observe it a little bit more closely. Interesting reading is on pages and

It is amazing how intelligent actually goldfish are but more impressive of course is how do they train them. To train goldfish to show you the time or collect food when you say so is pretty impressive. The training part will be someone’s future blog topic but this time I just wanted to break the myth about goldfish bad memory (I really hope that the video is not a some special effect).

Interesting video clip :)

Impressive or what? :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if that video was real, but if it was they are some smart fish! I agree with the fact that goldfish memories aren't as bad as the saying goes. I have goldfish at home that surely know when it's time for food, as they get really excited when they see the food container! I think memory may be related to brain development and evolution, and you've made me interested to find out! :)
