Sunday 21 November 2010

Little dirt can't harm you :)

Hygiene is elementary and it is completely normal to eat clean food, drink clean water and take a shower regularly. It seems logical if a dummy falls on a ground you will wipe it first before you put it into your baby’s mouth again but is it necessary all the time? Of course if the dummy drops on the ground in New York Time Square it is pretty obvious to clean it before you give it to you baby but if it falls down in you parent country house it doesn’t harm your baby. Babies need to have the microbes and build their own body protect system. Excessive hygiene can cause many illnesses and it's funny how thing you are doing in a first place to protect your child are turning completely against you or your child later. I totally agree with that article but I still find that you must have some elementary hygiene for example I think it would be still wise to wash your hand before you start eating. I find that there is no reason to be neat freak but also not to be completely unclean as well, you simply need to find a golden path in between and let the babies to explore the world in peace.

For futher reading, more ideas and a article about that subject you can find on page

1 comment:

  1. I agree. A baby only gets a limited amount of imunity from the mother, so they need to build up their own as soon as possible. I had measels when I was around 11 months old, about one month before I was due for my mmr jab and has had no negative effect on me as far as im aware. There is a saying i strongly believe in, what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger, and in this case the more infections you fight and beat, the stronger you immune system becomes.
